Learn How eMD Works
For medical Secure-Mail users in Alberta, eMD is accessible from your Secure-Mail account by clicking the “eAdvice/eConsult Request” tab on the left navigation.
Visit the Brightsquid Support portal to watch a short tutorial and browse articles.
eMD Consults
ADVICE REQUESTS via eConsultations and eReferrals
eMD CONSULTS is an electronic consultation and referral solution that allows Primary Care Physicians (PCPs) and Specialists to communicate via eConsultations, providing advice/direction for non-urgent, medical questions regarding patient care. eConsultations support patients and physicians in the community by reducing wait-times for accessing Specialist advice and possibly preventing a referral from entering the system.
If an in-person referral is required, the communication provided from the eConsultation between the PCP and Specialist ultimately ensures the eReferral is appropriate, comprehensive, and complete prior to the in-person consultation.