
Patient Changemaker: Be more in control of your healthcare

More and more patients are realizing the integration between Secure-Mail and Alberta MyHealth Records (MHR) helps them take a more active role in their health and well-being by providing access to personal health information. MyHealth Records also better equips Albertans to have informed conversations with their doctor. 

For patient Secure-Mail user Stephanie, she was able to manage her and her daughter’s healthcare in this way. Better access to her information eased the anxiety that typically comes with waiting for her clinic to call with test results. She said it was often difficult to get a hold of the clinic over the phone (especially now), and that addressing simple questions and inquiries  over Secure-Mail added a new level of convenience to accessing care and caused fewer disruptions in her day and the clinic’s. 

MHR allows patients to prepare for their in-person appointments ahead of time and to get any questions they may have out of the way so they can have more focused discussions during appointments. Now, whenever Stephanie needs to book appointments or get results for either her or her daughter (parents can access their children’s COVID-19 results through the portal), she has confidence knowing she can get it in one secure place. 

Healthcare gets better when we all work together.

Here is Stephanie’s full experience with using MyHealth records and how much easier it is for her to get the results that she needs for her and her daughter. 

As soon as I found out about being able to monitor my health results from tests and manage and book appointments through this online system I was so happy! It’s nice to know what is being put into your file and not have to wait for a doctor to tell you what’s what. I am even happier that I can now add my daughter because she has disabilities and she tends to get tested frequently so this way I’m not going to be panicked when the doctor calls me regarding results and having to wait until we can get in to see him! This puts my already anxious mind at ease! 

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